Clinical Services
Ear Wax Removal ('Gold Standard' Microsuction)
​ Hearing Tests (Full Diagnostic Hearing Assessments)​
Adults & Paediatrics (over 3's)
Premium Hearing Aids & Connectivity Accessories
Custom Hearing Protection
Workplace Noise Risk Assessments
Tinnitus Management
Locum Audiology Services
Home Visits
Professional RCCP & HCPC Registered Audiologist & Hearing Aid Dispenser with over 20 year's Experience

Microsuction is the safest method of ear wax removal, as used by Ear, Nose and Throat consultants. It is generally a dry process, with no pre-requisite to oil ears for weeks on end!
As part of the service offered by Southwest Audiology Services a bilateral ear health check and video otoscopy is included in the price. If no wax is present, middle ear pressures will be checked (tympanometry) in case this is causing the 'blocked' sensation, and a reduced price will be charged. A full diagnostic hearing test and hearing aids may need to be considered, particularly if aged 55+ or a history of past noise exposure.

There are 12 million people in the UK with hearing loss, including 5 million people of working age (RNI:D). Around one third of ear wax removal cases will also have an underlying, unaddressed hearing loss. There is a strong association between hearing loss and dementia, hearing loss and noise exposure, and hearing loss and tinnitus, so vitally important to have your hearing checked regularly; especially if aged over 55, or with a history of noise exposure and/or tinnitus.
At Southwest Audiology Services we offer full diagnostic hearing tests (including speech discrimination testing), plus tympanometry where clinically appropriate, and with onward referral to ENT where needed.
We can also offer industrial hearing screening.

At Southwest Audiology Services we are totally independent, registered hearing aid dispensers, not tied to selling a particular manufacturer's products (unlike many on the High Street). This means that we can offer completely impartial, unbiased advice based upon your individual needs and lifestyle requirements. We can offer a wide range of premium hearing aid styles and colours from a selection of manufacturers, including rechargeable and Bluetooth options. We can also supply hearing aid connectivity accessories, such as TV streamers, remote controls and discreet microphones to help in background and noisy environments (such as restaurant and group situations).

You only have one set of ears so protect them!
Noise damage from workplace and leisure activities is becoming an increasing problem, and is strongly associated with tinnitus (a perceived ringing, buzzing, high-pitched whistling, or other sound(s) not heard externally). Tinnitus can be extremely intrusive and detrimentally affect quality of life.
Southwest Audiology Services can provide custom hearing protection for a wide range of potentially damaging noisy activities, such as shooting, music, DIY, gardening and motorsports. We can also supply custom sleep, swim and surf plugs.
Southwest Audiology Services are also qualified to carry out Institute of Acoustics Workplace Noise Risk Assessments.

Tinnitus is extremely common and can be associated with certain medications including aspirin, quinine, diuretics (water tablets), recent chemotherapy and some common antibiotics. Some patients with tinnitus may have an underlying hearing loss, and may benefit from wearing hearing aids, or combination aids.
You may naturally be worried and very aware of any new sound(s). This normally tends to settle down over time without doing anything in particular. However, there are things that you can do to help yourself as well. The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) offers excellent online resources for people experiencing tinnitus (www.tinnitus.org.uk). There is also a helpline 0800 018 0527.
If you have accessed the available resources but feel that you still need further support, please contact Southwest Audiology Services.

Southwest Audiology Services are proud to offer their clinical services to improve hearing health and well-being for all. Whether this is education about hearing aids or hearing protection, training for Audiologists, or providing locum services (both for NHS clinics and private hearing aid dispensers)
We are committed to improving Audiology Services and Ear Health throughout the Southwest region. Please contact us if you have anything hearing-related that you wish to discuss.